Acronyms 2 of 4
A to D | E to I | J to R | S to W
EC | European Community |
ECCLS | European Committee on Clinical Laboratory Standards |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ECT | Electro Convulsive Therapy |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDMA | European Diagnostics Manufacturing Association |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
EEVL | Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library |
EFPIA | European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations |
EIA | Engineering Industries Association |
EMAS | Eco - Management and Audit Scheme |
EMDDA | European Medical Device Distributors Association |
EMDM | European Medical Device Manufacturer |
ENMA | European National Medicines Authorities |
EOSA | Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Association |
EOTC | European Organisation for testing and certification |
EtO | Ethylene Oxide |
EU | European Union |
EUCOMED | European Confederation of Medical Devices Association |
EUDRA | European Drug Regulatory Authorities Network |
FCO | Foreign & Commonwealth Office |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FDLI | Food and Drug Law Institute |
GC | Gas Chromatograph |
GHTF | Global Harmonisation Task Force |
GLP | Good Laboratory Practices |
GMP | Good Manufacturing Practices |
HIBCC | Health Industry Business Communications Council |
HIMA | Health Industry Technology Association |
HSJ | Health Service Journal |
IMDA | Independent Medical Distributors Association |
IOL | Intraocular Lens |
IPEM | Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine |
ISI | Information Society Initiative |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation |
ISTAHC | International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care |
ITA | International Trade Administration (DOC) |
IVD | In Vitro Diagnostic |
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