Global PartnersFollowing a very successful trip to the USA, MDIS has established links with a number of American Associations. The following Associations have an interest in what is happening in Scotland and conversely represent a valuable resource for Scottish companies. Link to for a wide range of information. AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation 
“AAMI is a unique alliance of nearly 6000 member companies united by the common goal of increasing the understanding and beneficial use of medical instrumentation.” Founded in 1965, this association is a primary source of information on medical devices, instrumentation, technology and developments. The AAMI website is widely used by industry professionals, Government, educational institutions and healthcare practitioners alike. The professions of members range widely: from clinical and biomedical engineers to researchers, manufacturers, physicians, nurses and government representatives. Services provided by AAMI include: - Policy development
- Education conferences
- Employment bulletins
- New technology information
- Multidisciplinary leadership and programs
- Certification of health care technical specialists
- Details on all aspects of medical instrumentation
- Publication of technical documents, periodicals, books and software.
Contact Details: AAMI Headquarters 1110 North Glebe Road, Suite 220 Arlington, VA 22201-4795 USA
BIOCOM is a leading American association for the life sciences community. The association covers all biotechnology, medical device and bio-agriculture companies in the county of San Diego, USA. BIOCOM’s mission statement is to “enhance and expand its position as the premier regional association for the life sciences community.” The association promotes the growth of all sectors of the industry through the creation of member value in the areas of public policy, member services, education and business networking. BIOCOM includes a significant service company sector, which covers all of the ancillary services required by the life sciences industries. This database includes information in the fields of finance, legal, architecture, marketing and insurance. Services, activities and facilities offered by BIOCOM include: - Public education
- A purchasing group
- Addressing legislative issues
- Aiding business efficiency
- Development of training programmes
- Detailing local and international events
- Training through the association's Learning Centre
- Economic development aid to members.
Contact Details: BIOCOM / San Diego 4510 Executive Drive, Plaza One San Diego, CA 92121-3021 Tel: (858) 455-0300 Fax: (858) 455-0022
Medical Alley
Medical Alley is composed of over 200 member organisations operating in the healthcare industry in Minnesota, USA. The association is 15 years old and is not-for-profit trade based. Medical Alley’s mission is to “create a collaborative forum which promotes an environment to create innovation in healthcare." Member companies include: medical device, biotechnology and pharmaceutical based organisations; providers of healthcare services, such as hospitals and clinics; health plans; research facilities; and other relevant organisations. Medical Alley is recognised internationally as the geographic corridor of healthcare organisations that extends from Rochester through the Twin Cities to northern Minnesota. Activities of the association include: - The provision of educational programmes
- Advocacy at state and federal levels
- Seminars on important healthcare-related issues
- Organising working groups involving leaders from across the industry
- Development of industry discussed approaches to solving industry-wide problems.
Contact Details: Medical Alley 1550 Utica Ave. S. Suite 725 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 952-542-3077 Fax: 952-542-3088
MDMA Medical Device Manufacturing Association 
The MDMA is a national trade association based in Washington, USA, which represents nearly 130 independent manufacturers of medical devices, diagnostic products and health care information systems. MDMA, created in 1992, seeks to “improve the quality of patient care by encouraging the development of new medical technology and fostering the availability of beneficial innovative products.” In order to achieve their mission statement the MDMA represents its members' collective interests before the United States Congress, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other relevant federal agencies. Since its beginning the MDMA can claim credit for a number of policy achievements, from the defeat of legislative proposals to foist "user fees" upon the industry in 1993 and 1994 to the development and passage of the landmark FDA Modernisation Act of 1997. MDMA is currently building on its achievements and reputation by extending into new areas and by levering the combined resources of its members into new and improved services for member companies. MDMA is currently working towards: - Addressing reimbursement issues
- Industry standardisation
- Compilation of regular industry updates and policy analyses for members
- High interaction levels between members, resulting in a great networking community
- Encouragement of research and development through membership discussion groups
- Encouraging HCFA, insurance companies, and managed-care organisations to support the process of technological innovation
- Developing technology-assessment processes in conjunction with the Health Care Financing Administration.
Contact Details: Medical Device Manufacturers Association 1900 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 496-7150
MassMEDIC Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council 
The rapidly growing medical device industry in Massachusetts comprises of over 200 companies providing high technology, high paying jobs to 13 000 Massachusetts people. MassMEDIC represents this industry. MassMEDIC’s mission statement is to “create a positive environment and united voice for the Massachusetts Medical Device Industry." The organisation is “working towards making Massachusetts the Medical Device Capital of the World." The purpose of MassMEDIC is to create a positive environment for industry. The Council’s aims include: - Aiding developing companies
- Attracting new companies to Massachusetts
- Retaining established medical device companies
- Developing programs and initiatives which improve the climate for business growth
- Providing a forum and united voice to articulate the shared interests members
- Promoting awareness of the local medical device industry's social and economic benefits and to assist in the development of realistic and coherent public policy
- Developing and improving opportunities for relevant training programs, industry-specific education, research and development, technology transfer and clinical testing.
Contact Details: Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council 715 Albany Street TW1 Boston, MA 02118 Tel: (617) 414-1340 Fax: (617) 414-1344
MNBio Formerly the Minnesota Biotechnology Association 
MNBio is a partnership of industry, finance, academia, and government in the US State of Minnesota. Dedicated to expanding Minnesota's life sciences industry, the association works in partnership with industry, financial resources, academia and the government. MNBIO members include biotechnology-based companies, research institutes, drug and diagnostic based companies, clinical trial organisations and those companies that are not directly involved in commercial biotechnology but share an interest in the industry's future in Minnesota. MNBIO’s goals and activities include: - Provision of educational resources
- The facilitation of industry-university partnerships
- Dissemination of legislative information
- Promotion of the steady growth of Minnesota's biotechnology industry
- To form collaborative partnerships that lead to new medical treatments, healthier foods, and a cleaner environment.
Contact Details: MNBIO 26 E. Exchange St Ste. 500 St. Paul, MN 55101 Tel: 651-265-7840 Fax: 651-290-2266